Best Ways to Ask Someone on A Date | Single Atlanta
If you do a search on Tips to Ask Someone Out you'll see over 91 million search results. Looking at search volume there are millions of searches each month related to asking someone out.
Looking at a list of the top 10 fears people have, "asking someone out on a date" isn't listed. On it you'll see public speaking, heights, flying, bugs and more. Most lists tend to focus on phobias.
But what if we look at fears that almost every human faces at some point. Then we get a different list that includes many of the fears that affect us in the context of asking someone out of a date. These include fear of the Unknown (will they say yes or no?), Disappointment (they said no!), Loneliness (I don't have anyone!), Ridicule (Everyone is laughing at me!), Rejection (What's wrong with me?) and Failure (Not again!).
Seven Tips to Ask Someone Out
- BE DIRECT - If you want to go out, say so. Get to the point. No use in playing games. In the time wasted, someone else can swoop in and do what you are tip-toeing around.
- DO NOT HIDE BEHIND TECHNOLOGY - E-mails and texts are simply the wrong way to go. It's impersonal, and you have a better chance of getting rejected. Yuk. If the askee is so-so about the date, he/she is more likely to say "yes" in the moment as to not hurt anyone's feelings. So stick to the old fashioned way--in person or by phone.
- BE CONFIDENT - Smile when you ask; it will come across as if you actually are excited about going out (which you are, right? Or else you probably wouldn't be asking).
- DON'T PLACE THE BALL IN THE OTHER'S COURT - If you like someone, call them; let them know. Don't sit around, staring at the phone, waiting for it to ring. Be proactive with your love life. If it doesn't work out, it just doesn't. Take the ball and run with it, you just might score the touch down!
- PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - But not too much. Don't be too eager and don't be too rehearsed. Try a natural tone that flows with a conversation. It's really all about just being yourself.
- DON'T BE VAGUE - When asking someone out, have something planned. You seem more serious about actually meeting when you have a date suggestion rather than leaving it up in the air ("Hey, wanna hang out sometime?" vs. "Would you like to meet Thursday for a glass of wine?").
- MAKE IT CLEAR IT'S A DATE - Remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine kept losing bets to that guy and she "owed him dinner"? Yeah...just say, "I'd like to take you out to..."
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